Backup and restore

Backup and restoring artifacts

What is Velero?

Velero uses object storage to store backups and associated artifacts. It also optionally integrates supported block storage systems to snapshot your persistent volumes. Before beginning the installation process, you should identify the object storage provider and optional block storage provider(s) you’ll be using from the list of compatible providers.

Velero supports storage providers for both cloud-provider environments and on-premises environments.

Velero prerequisites:

  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster, v1.16 or later, with DNS and container networking enabled.
  • kubectl installed locally
  • Object Storage (S3, Cloud Provider Environment, On-Premises Environment)

Compatible providers and on-premises documentation can be read on

Install Velero

This command is an example on how you can install velero into your cluster:

velero install --provider aws --plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.2.1 --bucket velero --secret-file ./credentials-velero --use-volume-snapshots=false --backup-location-config region=minio,s3ForcePathStyle="true",s3Url=http://minio.velero.svc:9000


  • s3Url has to be the url of your s3 storage login.
  • example for credentials-velero file:
    aws_access_key_id = your_s3_storage_username
    aws_secret_access_key = your_s3_storage_password

Backup the cluster

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the cluster every 6 hours:

velero schedule create cluster --schedule "0 */6 * * *"

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete cluster

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup according to a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the cluster

velero backup create cluster

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Backup a specific deployment

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “logging” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create filebeat --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces logging --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “filebeat” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create filebeat --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces logging --selector app=filebeat-filebeat,release=filebeat --include-resources serviceaccount,deployment,daemonset,configmap,clusterrolebinding,clusterrole --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete filebeat

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “logging”:

velero backup create filebeat --include-namespaces logging --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “filebeat”:

velero backup create filebeat --include-namespaces logging --selector app=filebeat-filebeat,release=filebeat --include-resources serviceaccount,deployment,daemonset,configmap,clusterrolebinding,clusterrole --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “logging” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create logstash --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces logging --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “logstash” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create logstash --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces logging --selector app=logstash-logstash,chart=logstash,release=logstash --include-resources StatefulSet,ServiceAccount,Service,Secret,RoleBinding,Role,PodSecurityPolicy,PodDisruptionBudget,Ingress,ConfigMap --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete logstash

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “logging”:

velero backup create logstash --include-namespaces logging --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “logstash”:

velero backup create logstash --include-namespaces logging --selector app=logstash-logstash,chart=logstash,release=logstash --include-resources StatefulSet,ServiceAccount,Service,Secret,RoleBinding,Role,PodSecurityPolicy,PodDisruptionBudget,Ingress,ConfigMap --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “logging” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create opensearch --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces logging --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “opensearch” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create opensearch --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces logging --selector, --include-resources ConfigMap,Ingress,NetworkPolicy,PodDisruptionBudget,PodSecurityPolicy,Role,RoleBinding,Secret,Service,ServiceAccount,StatefulSet --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete opensearch

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “logging”:

velero backup create opensearch --include-namespaces logging --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “opensearch”:

velero backup create opensearch --include-namespaces logging --selector, --include-resources ConfigMap,Ingress,NetworkPolicy,PodDisruptionBudget,PodSecurityPolicy,Role,RoleBinding,Secret,Service,ServiceAccount,StatefulSet --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “monitoring” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create prometheus --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces monitoring --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “prometheus” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create prometheus --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces monitoring --include-resources Alertmanager,Secret,Ingress,List,PodDisruptionBudget,Role,RoleBinding,PodSecurityPolicy,Service,ServiceAccount,ServiceMonitor,Endpoints,ConfigMap,ConfigMapList,ClusterRole,ClusterRoleBinding,SecretProviderClass,PodMonitor,Prometheus,Job,NetworkPolicy,MutatingWebhookConfiguration,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration,Issuer,Deployment,VerticalPodAutoscaler,ThanosRuler --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete prometheus

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “monitoring”:

velero backup create prometheus --include-namespaces monitoring --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “prometheus”:

velero backup create prometheus --include-namespaces monitoring --include-resources Alertmanager,Secret,Ingress,List,PodDisruptionBudget,Role,RoleBinding,PodSecurityPolicy,Service,ServiceAccount,ServiceMonitor,Endpoints,ConfigMap,ConfigMapList,ClusterRole,ClusterRoleBinding,SecretProviderClass,PodMonitor,Prometheus,Job,NetworkPolicy,MutatingWebhookConfiguration,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration,Issuer,Deployment,VerticalPodAutoscaler,ThanosRuler --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “harbor” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create harbor --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces harbor --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “harbor” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create harbor --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces harbor --include-resources ConfigMap,Deployment,PersistentVolumeClaim,Secret,Service,StatefulSet,Ingress,ServiceMonitor --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete harbor

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “harbor”:

velero backup create harbor --include-namespaces harbor --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “harbor”:

velero backup create harbor --include-namespaces harbor --include-resources ConfigMap,Deployment,PersistentVolumeClaim,Secret,Service,StatefulSet,Ingress,ServiceMonitor --include-cluster-resources=true --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “gatekeeper-system” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create gatekeeper --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces gatekeeper-system --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “gatekeeper” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create gatekeeper --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces gatekeeper-system --include-resources PodSecurityPolicy,ServiceAccount,Deployment,PodDisruptionBudget,ResourceQuota,ClusterRole,Role,ClusterRoleBinding,RoleBinding,MutatingWebhookConfiguration,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration,Secret,Service,Job --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete gatekeeper

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “gatekeeper-system”:

velero backup create gatekeeper --include-namespaces gatekeeper-system --include-cluster-resources=true

This command creates a backup for the deployment “gatekeeper-system”:

velero backup create gatekeeper --include-namespaces gatekeeper-system --include-resources PodSecurityPolicy,ServiceAccount,Deployment,PodDisruptionBudget,ResourceQuota,ClusterRole,Role,ClusterRoleBinding,RoleBinding,MutatingWebhookConfiguration,ValidatingWebhookConfiguration,Secret,Service,Job --include-cluster-resources=true --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>

Scheduled Backups

This command creates a backup for the namespace “rook-ceph” every 6 hours:

velero schedule create rook-ceph --schedule "0 */6 * * *" --include-namespaces rook-ceph --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Schedules

This command lists all schedules for backups:

velero schedule get

Delete Schedules

This command deletes the specified schedule:

velero schedule delete rook-ceph

Restore Scheduled Backup

This command restores the backup from a schedule:

velero restore create --from-backup <SCHEDULE NAME>-<TIMESTAMP>


This command creates a backup for the namespace “rook-ceph”:

velero backup create rook-ceph --include-namespaces rook-ceph --include-cluster-resources=true

Get Backups

This command lists all created backups:

velero backup get

Delete Backups

This commands deletes the specified backup:

velero backup delete <BACKUP NAME>

Restore Backup

This commands restores the specified backup:

velero restore create <RESOURCE NAME> --from-backup <BACKUP NAME>