Install package from Hub

Installing KOSI packages from KubeOps Hub

To install KOSI packages from the KubeOps Hub on your machines.

  1. First you need to search the package using command kosi search ( Refer kosi search command for more info) on the KubeOps Hub.

  2. Now copy the installation address of desired package and use it the kosi install command:

    [root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub <hubname> <installation address>

The --hub parameter is to be used to install packages from the software Hub.

To be able to install a package from the software Hub, you have to be logged in as a user.

Install from Private Hub

Example: The package livedemo of user kosi with version 2.7.1 is to be installed from the private software Hub:

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install kosi/livedemo:2.7.1

Install from Public Hub

Example: The package livedemo of the user kosi with the version 2.7.1 is to be installed from the public software Hub:

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub public kosi/livedemo:2.7.1

Install along with yaml files

The -f parameter must be used to use yaml files from the user.

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install <package> -f <user.yaml>

Example: The package livedemo of user kosi with version 2.7.1 is to be installed from the public software hub and user specific files are to be used for the installation:

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub public kosi/livedemo:2.7.1 -f userfile1.yaml

Install in specific namespace

-namespace flag The namespace parameter can be used to specify a kubernetes namespace in which to perform the installation.

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub <hubname> <package> --namespace <namespace>

Example: The package livedemo of user kosi with version 2.7.1 is to be installed from the public software hub and a custom kubernetes namespace is used:

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub public kosi/livedemo:2.7.1 --namespace MyNamespace

Note: If no –namespace parameter is specified, the namespace default will be used.

Install with specific deployment name

–dname flag

The parameter dname can be used to save the package under a specific name.

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub <hubname> <package> --dname <deploymentname>

Example: The package livedemo of user kosi with version 2.7.1 is to be installed from the public software hub and a deployment name is set:

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install --hub public kosi/livedemo:2.7.1 --dname MyDeployment

If no –dname parameter is specified, a random deployment name will be generated.

Note: The deployment name is stored in the file //var/kubeops/kosi/deployment.yaml.

In these few steps, you can successfully install and use the KOSI package.

You can always explore Full Documentation to go through all the functionality and features provided by KOSI.

Install on a machine with no internet connection

  1. Download the package using kosi pull with a internet connection.
[root@localhost ~]# kosi pull [package name from hub] -o [your preferred name] --hub public
  1. Transfer the package to the machine with no internet connection but have KubeOps installed on it.

  2. Install it with following command

[root@localhost ~]# kosi install -p [package name]