Release Notes

KubeOps 1.5.0

changelog prometheus-stack 1.5.0

  • removed standard dashboard
  • fixed issue with updating custom resource definitions

Changlog nginx-ingress 1.5.0

  • number of replicas set to 3

Changlog kubeops-dashboard 1.5.0

  • fixed issue with templating of values

Changelog lima 1.5.0

  • fixed issue where images where pulled
  • fixed issue where lima update -r was stuck in wait script
  • added rpmServer functionality

Changelog Kubeopsctl 1.5.0

  • fixed issue where upgrade command installed packages
  • added rpmServer option in kubeopsctl.yaml
  • added known issue and workaround for kubernetes upgrade with kubeopsctl on our FAQ page

Changelog setup 1.5.0

  • added rpmServer functionality

Changelog clustercreate 1.5.0

  • added rpmServer functionality

Changlog opensearch 1.5.0


  • added loglevel “warn”

KubeOps 1.5.0-Beta1

Changlog setup 1.5.0-Beta1


  • updated kubeDependencies from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
  • updated lima version to 1.5.0-Beta1

Changlog lima 1.5.0-Beta1


  • added kubernetes version 1.28.6
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.7
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.8
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.9
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.10
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.2
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.3
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.4
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.5
  • added kubernetes version 1.30.0
  • added kubernetes version 1.30.1
  • added kubeDependencies version 1.0.6

KubeOps 1.5.0-Beta0

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.5.0_Beta0


  • added new nftables package version 1.0.4


  • fixed issue where br_netfilter configuration was not written
  • fixed issue where crictl conf of containerd sock was not written

KubeOps 1.5.0-Alpha3

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.5.0_Alpha3


  • fixed issue where `Error: Parameter file … not found’ was always displayed. The correct error message is now displayed.
  • fixed issue where the expired kosi token was not removed
  • fixed issue where a incomplete kubeopsctl upgrade results in unhandled exception

Changelog kubeops-dashboard 1.5.0_Alpha3


  • fixed issue where kubeops-dashboard wasn’t installed and the namespace was still headlamp

Changelog opensearch 1.5.0_Alpha3


  • fixed issue where changing the opensearch password was not possible according to the documentation

Changelog kube-prometheus-stack 1.5.0_Alpha3


  • fixed issue where the ingress was not deployed

Changelog lima 1.5.0-Alpha3


  • fixed issue where the expired kosi token was not removed
  • fixed issue where the installation of epel and elrepo blocked the installation in airgap environments

KubeOps 1.5.0-Alpha2

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.5.0_Alpha2


  • fixed issue with status where an unhandled exception is thrown

Changelog ingress-nginx 1.5.0_Alpha2


  • fixed issue where helmchart is not compatible with sha checksum

Changelog opa 1.5.0_Alpha2


  • fixed issue where helmchart tag was not compatible with templated tags

Changelog opensearch 1.5.0_Alpha2


  • added missing majorVersion in helmchart

Changelog kube-prometheus-stack 1.5.0_Alpha2


  • fixed corrupted helmchart for version 58.0.0

KubeOps 1.5.0-Alpha1

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.5.0_Alpha1


  • fixed issue where could not install airgap packages into the cluster
  • fixed issue with default namespace


  • added apiVersion kubeops/kubeopsctl/alpha/v4
  • renamed headlamp to kubeops-dashboard
  • renamed headlampValues to kubeOpsDashboardValues

Changelog opa 1.5.0_Alpha1


  • added missing ImagePullSecret

KubeOps 1.5.0-Alpha0

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • fixed issue where config.yaml of kosi was overwritten
  • added new wireguard support for calicomultus

Changelog cert-manager 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • a standard CA is created during the installation and upgrade
  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog filebeat 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog ingress-nginx 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog kube-prometheus-stack 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ingress with TLS
  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog rook-ceph 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ingress with TLS
  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog opensearch-dashboards 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ingress with TLS
  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog opensearch 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog keycloak 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ingress with TLS
  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog logstash 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog opa 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog harbor 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ingress with TLS
  • added ImagePullSecret

Changelog kubeops-dashboard 1.5.0_Alpha0


  • added ingress with TLS
  • added ImagePullSecret
  • renamed to kubeops-dashboard

KubeOps 1.4.3

Changlog nginx-ingress 1.8.5

  • number of replicas set to 3

Changlog opensearch 1.4.3


  • added loglevel “warn”

KubeOps 1.4.2

Changlog opensearch 1.4.2


  • fixed an issue where changing the opensearch password is not possible according to the documentation

Changlog setup 1.4.2


  • updated kubeDependencies from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
  • updated lima version to 1.4.2

Changlog lima 1.4.2


  • fixed an issue where an unhandled exception occurred with kubeopsctl apply when the session had expired


  • added kubernetes version 1.28.6
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.7
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.8
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.9
  • added kubernetes version 1.28.10
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.2
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.3
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.4
  • added kubernetes version 1.29.5
  • added kubernetes version 1.30.0
  • added kubernetes version 1.30.1
  • added kubeDependencies version 1.0.6

Changlog kubeopsctl 1.4.2


  • fixed an issue where an incompleted kubeopsctl upgrade results in unhandled exception
  • fixed an issue where an unhandled exception occurred with kubeopsctl apply when the session had expired

KubeOps 1.4.1

Changlog setup 1.4.1


  • changed version of nftables package to version 1.0.4

KubeOps 1.4.0

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0


  • if the variable rook-ceph is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable harbor is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable opensearch is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable opensearch-dashboards is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable logstash is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable filebeat is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable prometheus is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable opa is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable headlamp is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable certman is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable ingress is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable keycloak is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • if the variable velero is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value false is used
  • resolved issue with “kubeopsctl.yaml” not being found exception, which leads to System.IO.FileNotFoundException.
  • if the variable systemCpu is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value 200m is used
  • if the variable systemMemory is not mentioned in the file kubeopsctl.yaml, the default value 200Mi is used

Changelog rook-ceph 1.4.0


  • updated package version


  • fixed issue where default requested cpu and memory where set too high

Changelog kube-prometheus-stack 1.4.0


  • added default dashboards to grafana

Changelog harbor 1.4.0


  • updated harbor package version to app version 2.9.3

Changelog opensearch and opensearch-dashboards 1.4.0


  • updated both packages to app version 2.11.1

Changelog ingress-ningx 1.4.0


  • updated ingress-ningx to application version 1.8.5

Changelog lima 1.4.0


  • If the default clusterUser root is used but kubeopsctl is executed as user, an error message is displayed.

KubeOps 1.4.0-Beta0

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0-Beta0


  • added null handling to storageClass name
  • fixed issue where the existance of cluster resource where not checked in the kubeopsctl.yaml
  • fixed issue where clustermaster was not automatically upgraded in the upgrade command

Changelog lima 1.4.0-Beta0


  • fixed an issue where firewalld could not be removed before cluster creation

Changelog rook-ceph 1.4.0


  • updated package version


  • fixed issue where default requested cpu and memory where set too high

Changelog kube-prometheus-stack 1.4.0


  • added default dashboards to grafana

Changelog harbor 1.4.0


  • updated harbor package version to app version 2.9.3

Changelog opensearch and opensearch-dashboards 1.4.0


  • updated both packages to app version 2.11.1

KubeOps 1.4.0-Alpha5


  • fixed issue with pushing images to harbor
  • fixed issue where podman installation was not checked
  • fixed issue with clusterip parameter in lima change config command
  • fixed issue related to zone labels for nodes
  • fixed issue with converting V2 model to V3 model

KubeOps 1.4.0-Alpha4

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0-Alpha4


  • Fixed an issue that prevents the stop of kubeopsctl if an image can not be pulled
  • fixed an issue where systemcpu and systemmemory were not temmplated correctly
  • fixed an issue where packages had no idempotence
  • fixed issue where cluster could not be upgraded
  • fixed issue with infinite loop of kubeopsctl output
  • fixed issue with false permissions of .kube/config file


  • added automatic removal of firewalld and runc, and installation of tc
  • updated ingress-ningx to application version 1.8.5
  • updated opensearch to application version 2.11.1

Lima 1.4.0-Beta0

  • added error logging in case kubeopsroot is empty or null

Lima 1.4.0-Alpha4


  • added initial check if kubeopsroot is not set

KubeOps 1.4.0-Alpha3

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0-Alpha3


  • Fixed an issue that results in an ImagePullback Error while installing Velero on an Air Gap environment
  • Fixed an issue that prevents using kubeopsctl status
  • Fixed an issue with drain that prevents draining nodes because of violation of PodDisruptionBudgets
  • Fixed an issue with uncordon that prevenst uncordon nodes
  • Fixed an issue that created a delay in displaying the status messages on the console


  • removed limaRoot in apiVersion kubeops/kubeopsctl/alpha/v3
  • removed kubeOpsRoot in apiVersion kubeops/kubeopsctl/alpha/v3

Lima 1.4.0-Alpha3


  • Fixed an issue that lead to an Broken pipe error in ansible

Harbor 1.4.0


  • Raised the maxJobWorkers from 10 to 30 in order to prevent error 504 Gateway Time-out

KubeOps 1.4.0-Alpha2

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0-Alpha2


  • Fixed an issue that was writing Command contains quotes and double quotes! can not mix within shell! into the logs without having a real error
  • Fixed an issue that was still writing log output on the console
  • Fixed an issue that prevents showing Debug log level in the logs
  • Fixed an issue that prevents using kubeopsctl status
  • Fixed an issue that prevents installing filebeat
  • Fixed an issue that prevents installing logstash
  • Fixed an issue that prevents installing opensearch
  • Fixed an issue that prevents installing prometheus
  • Fixed an issue that results in an ImagePullback Error while installing Velero on an Air Gap environment

KubeOps 1.4.0-Alpha1

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0-Alpha1


  • Fixed an issue that leads to an Unhandled exception: System.FormatException
  • Fixed small output issues related to plugin bash

KubeOps 1.4.0-Alpha0

Changelog kubeopsctl 1.4.0-Alpha0


  • Reworked Console output
  • Old Console Output is now stored in log files in $KUBEOPSROOT
  • Logfiles with timestamps are now created in $KUBEOPSROOT
  • Skip cluster creation is now possible
  • Skip update registry is now possible
  • It is now possible to install software into a cluster that was not created by lima
  • Added new command drain
  • Added new command uncordon
  • Added new command upgrade
  • Added new command status


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.4.0Alpha0
  • Updated filebeat package Version to filebeat 1.4.0
  • Updated harbor package Version to harbor 1.4.0
  • Updated rook-ceph package Version to rook-ceph 1.4.0
  • Updated helm package Version to helm 1.4.0
  • Updated logstash package Version to logstash 1.4.0
  • Updated opa-gatekeeper package Version to opa-gatekeeper 1.4.0
  • Updated opensearch package Version to opensearch 1.4.0
  • Updated opensearch-dashboards package Version to opensearch-dashboards 1.4.0
  • Updated prometheus package Version to prometheus 1.4.0
  • Updated rook package Version to rook 1.4.0
  • Updated cert-manager package Version to cert-manager 1.4.0
  • Updated ingress-nginx package Version to ingress-nginx 1.4.0
  • Updated kubeops-dashboard package Version to kubeops-dashboard 1.4.0
  • Updated keycloak package Version to keycloak 1.4.0

LIMA 1.4.0_Alpha0


  • Old Console Output is now stored in log files in $KUBEOPSROOT

Changelog setup 1.4.0


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.2.0_Alpha0

Changelog clustercreate 1.4.0


  • Updated filebeat package Version to filebeat 1.4.0
  • Updated harbor package Version to harbor 1.4.0
  • Updated rook-ceph package Version to rook-ceph 1.4.0
  • Updated helm package Version to helm 1.4.0
  • Updated logstash package Version to logstash 1.4.0
  • Updated opa-gatekeeper package Version to opa-gatekeeper 1.4.0
  • Updated opensearch package Version to opensearch 1.4.0
  • Updated opensearch-dashboards package Version to opensearch-dashboards 1.4.0
  • Updated prometheus package Version to prometheus 1.4.0
  • Updated rook package Version to rook 1.4.0
  • Updated cert-manager package Version to cert-manager 1.4.0
  • Updated ingress-nginx package Version to ingress-nginx 1.4.0
  • Updated kubeops-dashboard package Version to kubeops-dashboard 1.4.0
  • Updated keycloak package Version to keycloak 1.4.0

Changelog filebeat 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog harbor 1.4.0


  • fixed an issue in update that prevents the datamigration from harbor
  • fixed an issue that prevents the scaling of PVCs

Changelog rook-ceph 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog helm 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog logstash 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog opa-gatekeeper 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog opensearch 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog opensearch-dashboards 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog prometheus 1.4.0-Beta0


  • added first dashboard as json-data in file

Changelog prometheus 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog rook 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog cert-manager 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog ingress-nginx 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog kubeops-dashboard 1.4.0


  • updated package version

Changelog keycloak 1.4.0


  • updated package version

KubeOps 1.3.2

changelog rook 1.2.1

  • fixed issue with templating of block storage class

changelog logstash 1.2.1

  • fixed issue with authentication

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.2


  • added new containerd package


  • fixed issue with missing haproxy image
  • fixed issue with installing kubectl in container

KubeOps 1.3.1

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.1

  • fixed issue where contauner runtime could not be updated

KubeOps 1.3.0

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0


  • Fixed an Bug that wrote tmpCopyDir content wrong
  • Fixed an Bug that prevents Harbor update from Kubeops 1.2.x to Kubeops 1.3.x, but the upgrade still has to be performed two times. Check the FAQs for more informationen

Changelog LIMA 1.1.0


  • Fixed an Bug that caused ImagePullBackOff for loadbalancer and registry, because the manifest was changed before copying the image

Changelog setup 1.3.2


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.1.0

KubeOps 1.3.0-Beta1

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Beta1


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.1.0Beta1
  • Updated filebeat package Version to filebeat 1.3.1
  • Updated harbor package Version to harbor 1.3.1
  • Updated rook-ceph package Version to rook-ceph 1.3.1
  • Updated helm package Version to helm 1.3.1
  • Updated logstash package Version to logstash 1.3.1
  • Updated opa-gatekeeper package Version to opa-gatekeeper 1.3.1
  • Updated opensearch package Version to opensearch 1.3.1
  • Updated opensearch-dashboards package Version to opensearch-dashboards 1.3.1
  • Updated prometheus package Version to prometheus 1.3.1
  • Updated rook package Version to rook 1.3.1
  • Updated cert-manager package Version to cert-manager 1.3.1
  • Updated ingress-nginx package Version to ingress-nginx 1.3.1
  • Updated kubeops-dashboard package Version to kubeops-dashboard 1.3.1
  • Updated keycloak package Version to keycloak 1.3.1

LIMA 1.1.0-Beta1


  • Updated the loadbalancer image due to critical CVEs
  • added kubernetes package for v1.29.1
  • added kubernetes package for v1.29.0
  • added kubernetes package for v1.28.5
  • added kubernetes package for v1.28.4
  • added kubernetes package for v1.28.3
  • added kubernetes package for v1.27.9
  • added kubernetes package for v1.27.8
  • added kubernetes package for v1.27.7

Changelog setup 1.3.1


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.1.0Beta1

Changelog clustercreate 1.3.1


  • Updated filebeat package Version to filebeat 1.3.1
  • Updated harbor package Version to harbor 1.3.1
  • Updated rook-ceph package Version to rook-ceph 1.3.1
  • Updated helm package Version to helm 1.3.1
  • Updated logstash package Version to logstash 1.3.1
  • Updated opa-gatekeeper package Version to opa-gatekeeper 1.3.1
  • Updated opensearch package Version to opensearch 1.3.1
  • Updated opensearch-dashboards package Version to opensearch-dashboards 1.3.1
  • Updated prometheus package Version to prometheus 1.3.1
  • Updated rook package Version to rook 1.3.1
  • Updated cert-manager package Version to cert-manager 1.3.1
  • Updated ingress-nginx package Version to ingress-nginx 1.3.1
  • Updated kubeops-dashboard package Version to kubeops-dashboard 1.3.1
  • Updated keycloak package Version to keycloak 1.3.1

Changelog filebeat 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog harbor 1.3.1


  • fixed an issue in update that prevents the datamigration from harbor
  • fixed an issue that prevents the scaling of PVCs

Changelog rook-ceph 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog helm 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog logstash 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog opa-gatekeeper 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog opensearch 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog opensearch-dashboards 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog prometheus 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog rook 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog cert-manager 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog ingress-nginx 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog kubeops-dashboard 1.3.1


  • updated package version

Changelog keycloak 1.3.1


  • updated package version

KubeOps 1.3.0-Beta0

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Beta0


  • fixed issue with Kubernetes Upgrade
  • fixed issue with false pause image in containerd config.toml
  • fixed issue with unstable rewriting of kubernetes manifests
  • fixed issue where ImagePullBackOff errors occurs because harbor was not ready yet


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.1.0Beta0"
  • added backwards compatibility to kubeopsctl 0.1.0

Changelog setup 1.3.0


  • added lima:1.1.0Beta0

Changelog rook-ceph 1.3.0


  • Changed installation/update/delete procedure from yaml-files to helm-chart
  • Updated rook from 1.10.9 to 1.12.7
  • removed some adjustable values for compatability and easier configuration:
    • removed “placement” value
    • removed “removeOSDsIfOutAndSafeToRemove” value, which is now hardcoded to false
    • removed FS-type templating for the “blockStorageClass” as it is not recommended to use to anything other than ext4

Changelog harbor 1.3.0


  • removed external redis and database and changed to internal services
  • Updated Harbor from Version 2.6.4 to 2.9.1
  • removed some adjustable values for compatability and easier configuration:
    • redis- and postgres-password configuration moved into “harborValues”-section (as “redisPassword” and “databasePassword”)
    • storage-values for the external instances have been removed, instead the storage configuration for redis and postgres inside the “harborValues” will be used (the “persitentVolumeClaim”-section contains the keys “redis” and “database”, latter referencing the internal postgres instance)

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha6

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Alpha6


  • fixed a bug that prevented tha use of special characters in passwords
  • fixed a bug that prevented the upgrade to a specific kubernetes version

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha5

Changelog setup 1.3.0


  • updated lima to 1.1.0-Alpha3

Changelog clustercreate 1.3.0


  • added parameter for templating the folder of lima images
  • added installation of packages in update-section, so that previously missing packages can be added after cluster creation


  • fixed templating for the “harborPersistence” key

Changelog harbor 1.3.0


  • fixed templating for the “harborPersistence” key, to allow templating of the PVC size and storageClass
  • removed irrelevant entry in chart-files

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha4

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Alpha4


  • added more Parameters from rook Resources from kubeopsctl.yaml (see Changelog rook-ceph)

Changelog clustercreate 1.3.0


  • added global namespace variable to the values, which will be used if no other namespace has been set for the individual packages
  • added new values for the rook-ceph installation (see Changelog rook-ceph)
  • added more defaults for the installation values


  • fixed updating loadbalancer after clustercreation

Changelog rook-ceph 1.3.0


  • fixed issue with too high resource limits


  • added templating and adjustable values for resource-requests of objectstore and filesystem-pods

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha3

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Alpha3


  • fixed bug where packages from kubeops 1.2.0 were pulled in airgap environment

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha2

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Alpha2


  • fixed bug in Model that prevents cluster creation
  • fixed bug in Model that prevents installing rook
  • fixed bug in Model that prevents installing harbor

Changelog LIMA 1.1.0Alpha2


  • fixed bug that prevents a healthy cluster creation
  • fixed bug that prevent adding masters to loadbalancer

Changelog setup 1.3.0


  • added lima:1.1.0Alpha2
  • added templating for updating loadbalancer after clustercreation

Changelog clustercreate 1.3.0


  • added updating loadbalancer after clustercreation

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha1

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Alpha1


  • fixed issue with not recognized values in kubeopsctl.yaml

KubeOps 1.3.0-Alpha0

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.2.0-Alpha0


  • fixed issue with Kubernetes Upgrade
  • fixed issue with false pause image in containerd config.toml


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.1.0Alpha0"

Changelog setup 1.3.0


  • added lima:1.1.0Alpha0

Changelog rook-ceph 1.3.0


  • Changed installation/update/delete procedure from yaml-files to helm-chart
  • Updated rook from 1.10.9 to 1.12.7
  • removed some adjustable values for compatability and easier configuration:
    • removed “placement” value
    • removed “removeOSDsIfOutAndSafeToRemove” value, which is now hardcoded to false
    • removed FS-type templating for the “blockStorageClass” as it is not recommended to use to anything other than ext4

Changelog harbor 1.3.0


  • removed external redis and database and changed to internal services
  • Updated Harbor from Version 2.6.4 to 2.9.1
  • removed some adjustable values for compatability and easier configuration:
    • redis- and postgres-password configuration moved into “harborValues”-section (as “redisPassword” and “databasePassword”)
    • storage-values for the external instances have been removed, instead the storage configuration for redis and postgres inside the “harborValues” will be used (the “persitentVolumeClaim”-section contains the keys “redis” and “database”, latter referencing the internal postgres instance)

Changelog KOSI 2.9.0_Alpha0


  • SINA got renamed to KOSI
  • new code format for creating packages is named package.kosi
  • added the possibility to use sha tag values.
  • added an image-clean-up if you use retagging in KOSI
  • added KOSI remove - command, for removing your own packages from the hub

KubeOps 1.2.0-Beta3

Changelog setup 1.2.3


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.0.0Beta3

Changelog clustercreate 1.2.0


  • added lima update loadbalancer to logic for clustercreation

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Beta3


  • fixed issue with not working loadbalancer and network pods on cluster creation

KubeOps 1.2.0-Beta2

Changelog setup 1.2.2


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.0.0Beta2"

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Beta2


  • fixed issue with Kubernetes Upgrade
  • fixed issue with false pause image in containerd config.toml

KubeOps 1.2.0-Beta1

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0-Beta1

new maintenance packages for kubernetes

  • added package for v1.28.2
  • added package for v1.28.1
  • added package for v1.28.0
  • added package for v1.27.6
  • added package for v1.27.5
  • added package for v1.27.4
  • added package for v1.27.3
  • added package for v1.26.9
  • added package for v1.26.8
  • added package for v1.26.7
  • added package for v1.26.6
  • added package for v1.25.14
  • added package for v1.25.13
  • added package for v1.25.12
  • added package for v1.25.11


  • updated the haproxy version to 2.8.1
  • updated crontab time to 12pm

Changelog setup 1.2.1


  • Updated Lima Version to lima 1.0.0Beta1"

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Beta1


  • updated the haproxy version to 2.8.1
  • updated crontab time to 12pm

KubeOps 1.2.0-Beta0

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Beta0


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0-Beta0


  • Added support for podman
  • Removed Docker dependency

Changelog Sina 2.8.0_Beta0


  • added sina encrypt -f <user.yaml>
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina install to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina update to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina delete to input encrypted yaml files
  • added sina check Command
  • added flag (-t) for sina pull. Use the cluster´s internal adress for the registry, which is resolvable by nodes. (Can only be used with the -r Flag)

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha15

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha15


  • fixed an issue that prevented the upgrade from platform 1.1 to platform 1.2

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0-Alpha14


  • fixed an issue were nodes were not ready after cluster creation

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha14

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha14


  • fixed an issue were nodes were not ready after cluster creation

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0-Alpha13


  • fixed an issue were nodes were not ready after cluster creation

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha13

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha13


  • fixed an issue where local-registry has no storage
  • fixed an issue where cni images were not on all master registries

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha12


  • fixed an issue where local-registry has no storage
  • fixed an issue where cni images were not on all master registries

Changelog keycloak 1.2.0


  • added missing / in url


  • updated readninessProbe from 30 to 300 seconds

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha12

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha12


  • fixed an issue where kubeopsctl was not airgapready
  • fixed an issue where images for loadbalancer were not copied
  • fixed an issue where nodes could not be joined after the cluster creation

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha11

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha11


  • fixed an bug where the status of the node is not changed
  • fixed an Bug where an exception is thrown while changing the status of a node
  • fixed an Bug where an exception is thrown while applying a label to a node

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha10

  • fixed an Bug where kubernetes images are not pulled from the local registry

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha10

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha10


  • fixed an bug with creating and updating the cluster where a exception is thrown because of an unexisting file

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha9

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha9


  • fixed an issue where the change to a different registry is not pushing the calico image
  • fixed an issue where the images are not pushed to harbor
  • fixed an issue where the change of the registry for headlamp is throwing an unhandled exception
  • fixed an issue where $LIMAROOT/images linebreak in calico image is missing

Known Issues

  • all nodes need internet connection
  • Logs are not exported to OpenSearch
  • Keycloak Pods are not running

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha7

  • fixed and issue where during the create cluster the calico images are tagged wrong
  • fixed an issue where the change to a different registry is tagging the calico images wrong

Changelog setup 1.2.0


  • updated lima to alpha7

Changelog rook-ceph 1.2.0


  • Fixed a bug related to indicating the correct nodePort on the service

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha8

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha8


  • fixed an issue where apply was not working as non-root user
  • fixed an issue with upgrading kubernetes versions

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha6

  • fixed an issue where apply was not working as non-root user
  • fixed an issue with upgrading kubernetes versions

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha7

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha7


  • fixed an issue where change registry did not work and was not airgap ready

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha5

  • fixed issue with using airgap images

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha6

Changelog Sina 2.8.0_Alpha4


  • added sina encrypt -f <user.yaml>
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina install to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina update to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina delete to input encrypted yaml files
  • added sina check Command
  • added flag (-t) for sina pull. Use the cluster´s internal adress for the registry, which is resolvable by nodes. (Can only be used with the -r Flag)


  • fixed retagging in pull for userv3 packages
  • fixed checksum problem, caused by deprecated backend api
  • fixed build user/v2 was not possible
  • updated sina plugins

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha6


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f


  • fixed an issue where prometheus could not be installed
  • fixed issue where opensearch could not be installed
  • fixed issue where any tool could not be installed after first apply
  • fixed an issue where the images where not pushed to the local harbor

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha4

  • fixed bug where calico was not installed
  • fixed bug where calico pod disruption budget had a false version
  • renamed lima image to 1.0.0

Changelog setup 1.2.0


  • Updated Lima Version to 1.0.0Alpha4

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha5

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha5


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f


  • fixed issue with ImagePullBackOff

ChangeLog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha3


  • Added support for podman
  • Removed Docker dependency


  • Updated sina

ChangeLog SINA 2.8.0Alpha3


  • added sina encrypt -f <user.yaml>
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina install to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina update to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina delete to input encrypted yaml files
  • added sina check Command
  • added flag (-t) for sina pull. Use the cluster´s internal adress for the registry, which is resolvable by nodes. (Can only be used with the -r Flag)


  • fixed retagging in pull for userv3 packages
  • fixed checksum problem, caused by deprecated backend api
  • fixed build user/v2 was not possible
  • updated sina plugins

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha4

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha4


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f


  • fixed issue with label

ChangeLog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha3


  • Added support for podman
  • Removed Docker dependency


  • fixed issue with pushing calico

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha3

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha3


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f


  • added more default values for kubeopsctl.yaml


  • fixed issue with $KUBEOPSROOT and $LIMAROOT variable
  • fixed issue with pulling packages
  • fixed issue with writing kubeopsctl.yal
  • fixed issue with writing KUBEOPSROOT and LIMAROOT in .bashrc file

ChangeLog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha2


  • Added support for podman
  • Removed Docker dependency


  • fixed issue with with container already in use

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha2

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha2


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f


  • Fixed an issue where sina directory was not found
  • Fixed an issue where plugin directory was not found

Changelog Sina 2.8.0_Alpha2


  • added sina encrypt -f <user.yaml>
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina install to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina update to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina delete to input encrypted yaml files
  • added sina check Command
  • added flag (-t) for sina pull. Use the cluster´s internal adress for the registry, which is resolvable by nodes. (Can only be used with the -r Flag)


  • fixed checksum problem, caused by deprecated backend api
  • fixed build user/v2 was not possible
  • update sina plugin

Changelog SINA Plugin 0.3.0_Alpha2


  • Added pull command to plugin


  • fixed sina install


  • Update dependencies from sina

KubeOps 1.2.0-Alpha1

Changelog LIMA 1.0.0-Alpha1


  • Corrected a bug related to updating the pauseVersion in containerd config when upgrading the Kubernetes version

Changelog setup 1.2.1


  • Updated Lima Version to 1.0.0-Alpha1

Changelog Sina 2.8.0_Alpha1


  • added sina encrypt -f <user.yaml>
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina install to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina update to input encrypted yaml files
  • added flag (–cf <user.yaml>) for sina delete to input encrypted yaml files
  • added sina check Command
  • added flag (-t) for sina pull. Use the cluster´s internal adress for the registry, which is resolvable by nodes. (Can only be used with the -r Flag)


  • fixed checksum problem, caused by deprecated backend api
  • fixed build user/v2 was not possible

Changelog SINA Plugin 0.3.0_Alpha1


  • Added pull command to plugin


  • Update dependencies from sina

ChangeLog kubeopsctl 0.1.0Alpha2


  • added more default values for kubeopsctl.yaml


  • fixed issue with $KUBEOPSROOT and $LIMAROOT variable
  • fixed issue with pulling packages
  • fixed issue with writing kubeopsctl.yal
  • fixed issue with writing KUBEOPSROOT and LIMAROOT in .bashrc file

ChangeLog LIMA 1.0.0Alpha2


  • fixed issue with no airgap calicomultus image
  • fixed issue with with container already in use

Changelog cert-manager 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog sina-filebeat-os 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog Harbor 1.2.0


  • Added ingress for dashboard access


  • updated harbor version to v2.6.4
  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog kubeops-dashboard 1.2.0


  • Added ingress for dashboard access


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog ingress-nginx 1.2.0


  • Added templating for ingress service


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog keycloak 1.2.0


  • Added package keycloak 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog clustercreate 1.2.0


  • Added keycloak


  • updated package version to 1.2.0
  • updated all packages to 1.2.0

Changelog setup 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0
  • updated all packages to 1.2.0
  • updated lima to 1.0.0
  • removed docker dependencies

Changelog sina-logstash-os 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog opa-gatekeeper 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog sina-opensearch-os 1.1.2


  • updated opensearch version to v2.9.0
  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog sina-opensearch-dashboards 1.2.0


  • Added ingress for dashboard access


  • updated opensearch version to v2.9.0
  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog sina-kube-prometheus-stack 1.2.0


  • Added ingress for dashboard access


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog helm 1.2.0


  • updated package version to 1.2.0

Changelog rook-ceph 1.2.0


  • Added ingress for dashboard access


  • Updated ceph to 17.2.6 and rook to 1.12.1

Changelog Lima 1.0.0-Alpha1


  • Added support for podman
  • Removed Docker dependency


  • Fixed an issue where maintenance packages could not be pulled

Changelog kubeopsctl 0.1.0-Alpha1


  • apply -f
  • change registry -f


  • Fixed an issue where change registry ist could while apply is running
  • Fixed an issue where new values could not be processed properly
  • Fixed an issue where packages could not be pulled

Changelog Grafana/Prometheus


  • Added SMTP-Alerting