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KubeOps Academy
Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA)

Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA)

The PCA is a pre-professional certification designed for an engineer or application developer with special interests in observability and monitoring.
Ideal candidates may have achieved Kubernetes certifications such as KCNA, CKA, or CKAD or have completed Prometheus-specific training or Cloud Engineer bootcamps.

A certified PCA will confirm foundational knowledge for building or scraping observability data in the application stack whether or not it is cloud native.
The PCA exam is intended to prepare candidates to work with the fundamentals of data monitoring, metrics, alerts, and dashboards using Prometheus.

The PCA demonstrates a candidate's understanding of best practices for monitoring cloud native applications and infrastructure using Prometheus.
A PCA digital credential ensures the candidate understands how to use observability data to improve application performance, troubleshoot system implementations, and feed that data into other systems.


  • Training course:
  • Language:
  • Prerequisites:
    There are no pre-requisites for this exam.
  • Course duration:
    Exam: 90 minutes
  • Price:
    250.- $
Certification: Prometheus Certified Associate (PCA)

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