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KubeOps Academy
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)

Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)


The KCNA is a pre-professional certification designed for candidates interested in advancing to the professional level through a demonstrated understanding of kubernetes foundational knowledge and skills. This certification is ideal for students learning about or candidates interested in working with cloud native technologies.

A certified KCNA will confirm conceptual knowledge of the entire cloud native ecosystem, particularly focusing on Kubernetes. The KCNA exam is intended to prepare candidates to work with cloud native technologies and pursue further CNCF credentials, including CKA, CKAD, and CKS.

KCNA will demonstrate a candidate’s basic knowledge of Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies, including how to deploy an application using basic kubectl commands, the architecture of Kubernetes (containers, pods, nodes, clusters), understanding the cloud-native landscape and projects (storage, networking, GitOps, service mesh), and understanding the principles of cloud-native security.


  • Training course:
  • Language:
  • Prerequisites:
    There are no pre-requisites for this exam.
  • Course duration:
    Exam: 90 minutes
  • Price:
    250.- $
Certification: Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)

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