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Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

AZAV-certified further training with 100% funding possible

Expand your IT competences with a CKA certification

Become an expert in Kubernetes with our Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) training programme, which is fully AZAV-certified. This programme offers IT professionals, job seekers and people at risk of unemployment the opportunity to expand their knowledge and improve their career prospects.

Why our AZAV-certified CKA training?

Up to 100% cost coverage

Suitable participants can receive full cost coverage with a training voucher from the Federal Employment Agency.

Comprehensive curriculum

Our 9-week course covers all the important topics, from the basics to advanced areas such as cloud-native security and troubleshooting.

Practice-orientated learning

More than 50% of the training consists of practical exercises that optimally prepare you for the CKA certification exam.

Expert support

Receive continuous support from experienced trainers and technical support throughout the course.

Recognised certification

Pass the CKA exam and earn a globally recognised certificate from the Linux Foundation that will significantly improve your career opportunities in the IT industry.

    Course details


    9 weeks
    (150 hours of live online training)

    Number of participants

    3-12 participants
    for a personalised learning experience


    Basic knowledge of English and Linux as well as a valid training voucher from the Federal Employment Agency or another suitable funding option.


    Live online sessions with access to all necessary digital materials.

    Who is this course suitable for?

    Professional development

    IT specialists who want to expand their Kubernetes knowledge

    Job seekers and people at risk of losing their job

    Employees who want to catch up on a sought-after qualification

    New perspectives after the service period

    Soldiers who are looking for new career prospects after their service and are supported by the Vocational Training Service (BfD).

    Training content

    • Week 1 - 6

      • Teaching basic and advanced concepts of Kubernetes
      • Theory units to deepen the understanding
      • Practical exercises to apply what you have learnt
      • Introduction to various tools and technologies within the Kubernetes ecosystem
    • Week 7 - 9

      • Intensive preparation for the CKA exam
      • Carrying out practice exams and sample tasks
      • Registration for the official CKA exam
      • Conducting the official CKA exam
      • Completion of the training programme

    Your path to certification

    Our course comprehensively prepares you for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam, a qualification that is highly regarded in the IT industry. After completing this course, you will be able to manage complex Kubernetes environments and become a valuable resource for any organisation.

    Frequently asked questions about AZAV

    What is AZAV certification and why is it important?

    AZAV certification confirms the quality and eligibility for funding of our further education programmes. It enables us to offer subsidised courses that are supported by the Federal Employment Agency.

    Who can register for the AZAV-certified CKA course?

    The course is aimed at IT professionals who want to expand their skills in Kubernetes. Prerequisites may vary depending on the funding programme.

    How do I apply for financial support from the AZAV programme?

    The application is made via the Federal Employment Agency. We will be happy to assist you with the application.

    What does the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) course involve?

    The course covers the key topics and skills required to manage Kubernetes clusters, including installation, configuration and administration.

    How can AZAV certification help me in my IT career?

    With AZAV certification and the CKA qualification, you will improve your career prospects and open up new career opportunities in the IT sector.

    How long does the CKA training programme take?

    The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) training programme runs over a period of nine weeks and comprises 150 teaching units.

    Will I receive a certificate after completing the course?

    Our advanced training course prepares you intensively for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam. After successfully completing the course, you will have the opportunity to take this exam and obtain official certification from the Linux Foundation.

    What happens if I have to drop out of a course funded by the employment agency or job centre?

    If you have to cancel a funded course, please inform us and your funding agency (e.g. employment agency or job centre) immediately. Cancellation may affect the funding and you or the funding agency may have to refund any payments already made. In some cases, an interruption and later re-entry can also be agreed.

    Can I also take part in the training programme as a self-payer?

    Of course! In this case, please contact us using the enquiry form at AZAV - Further training Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA). We will be happy to advise you on your individual offer.