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Avoid anonymous requests to the API-server

Securing the Kubernetes API server is crucial for maintaining the integrity and security of the cluster. An important aspect of this is preventing anonymous requests to the API server. By default, the API server can accept anonymous requests, which can pose significant security risks. By configuring the API server to reject anonymous requests, you can ensure that only authenticated users can interact with the cluster.

The risks of allowing anonymous requests

Allowing anonymous requests to the Kubernetes API server can lead to various security problems:

  1. Unauthorised access: Anonymous requests can allow unauthorised users to access the API server, which can lead to security breaches and unauthorised actions within the cluster.
  2. Lack of accountability: Without authentication, it is impossible to trace actions back to specific users, which hinders accountability and auditing efforts.
  3. Increased attack surface: Allowing anonymous requests increases the attack surface of the cluster and makes it easier for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access.

Best practices for deactivating anonymous requests

Configuring the API server

To prevent anonymous requests, the --anonymous-auth=false flag should be set in the API server configuration. This configuration ensures that all requests to the API server must be authenticated:

  • Change the API server configuration: In environments where you have control over the API server configuration, add the --anonymous-auth=false flag to the API server start parameters. This will disable anonymous authentication.
Verification in managed environments

In managed Kubernetes environments, such as Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), it may not be possible to directly change the configuration of the API server. In such cases, it is important to check the current configuration and ensure that anonymous authentication is disabled:

  • Check the API server flags: Use tools such as kubectl to check the configuration of the API server and determine whether the --anonymous-auth=false flag is set.
  • Auditing and monitoring: Implement continuous auditing and monitoring to ensure that anonymous requests are not allowed. Tools such as Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Kubernetes audit logs can help enforce and verify this configuration.
Example workflow for securing the API server
  1. Configuration: Make sure that the API server is configured with the --anonymous-auth=false flag in environments where you have control over the configuration.
  2. Check: In managed environments, regularly check the configuration of the API server to ensure that anonymous authentication is disabled.
  3. Auditing and monitoring: Continuously check the API server's access logs and implement monitoring to detect and respond to unauthorised access attempts.
  4. Policy enforcement: Use policy enforcement tools such as OPA to enforce security policies and ensure that anonymous requests are not allowed.


Preventing anonymous requests to the Kubernetes API server is an important security measure. By configuring the --anonymous-auth=false flag, you ensure that all interactions with the API server are authenticated, reducing the risk of unauthorised access and increasing accountability. Regular reviews, audits and monitoring are essential practices in managed environments to ensure this configuration is maintained. Implementing these best practices will help protect the integrity and security of your Kubernetes cluster.