Creating a local Docker registry
This document explains how to create a local registry to store container images locally.
It can also be used to make Kubernetes use container images only from this registry.
- A simple registry
- Docker Registry with restricted access
- For AirGap environments
Anything bracketed in greater than or less than characters is to be assigned by the user.
For example:
--name <registry>
If you now want to name the registry e.g. k8s.registry, replace this with the following:
--name k8s.registry
Everything else should only be modified when you know what you are doing! Further, everything what was bracketed as clearly as a placeholder selected. So if it reappears somewhere, in this example, you have to replace it with k8s.registry.
A simple registry
The following command is sufficient
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry:2
The images, which are needed, have to be pulled now
docker pull <nginx>
and now tag the images as you want them to be named with
docker tag localhost:5000/<k8s.nginx>
To have the images now in the local registry, you have to push accordingly
docker push localhost:5000/<k8s.nginx>
and remove as follows
docker image remove localhost:5000/<k8s.nginx>
With the command
curl localhost:5000/v2/_catalog
it is now possible to see all images that are in the local registry.
Docker Registry with restricted access
First you need to create a user and a corresponding password for the registry:
mkdir /etc/docker-registry/
docker run \
--entrypoint htpasswd \
registry:2.7.0 -Bbn <testuser> <testpassword> > /etc/docker-registry/ htpasswd
Note that now registry:2.7.0 is needed not registry:2!
Further, if a registry already exists, this must be stopped for it first and is not accessible then also in this time!
docker stop <registry>
Now the registry is started again, but with authentication:
docker run -d \
-p 5000:5000 \
--restart=always \
--name <registry>\
-v /etc/docker-registry/:/auth \
-e "REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd" \
Lastly, log in with the following command for the registry:
docker login localhost:5000
Now user and password must be entered. These are the entries in
<user> and <testpwd>.
You can now populate images into the registry like in section 1, but to see the images you now have to use the command
curl -u <user>:<testpwd> localhost:5000/v2/_catalog
must be executed.
In some cases the error code X509 may appear.
Then the daemon.json in the /etc/docker/ directory must be extended as follows
"insecure-registries" : ["localhost:5000"]
AirGap environments
The daemon.json in the /etc/docker/ directory needs the following additional line:
"allow-nondistributable-artifacts" : ["localhost:5000"]
At the end, docker needs to be restarted and possibly the registry container as well.